Improving DC's Public Spaces, strengthening communities and changing lives
Improving DC's Public Spaces, strengthening communities and changing lives
Participate in a volunteer event to receive credit for community service. Individuals and small groups should contact us to schedule other dates.
Students of Goding School Within a School delivered
Love Rocks to Sasha Bruce House as part of a Martin Luther King Day of Service on January 25. Project Manager White Dawes welcomed the young people and their parents before placing their rocks in the gardens.
Students of George Washington University
painted 400 Love Rocks as part of a Martin Luther King Day of Service on January 18. Project Manager White Dawes spoke to participants about the vital work of Sasha Bruce Youthwork to end youth homelessness.
Capitol Hill Day School students and their parents painted 200 Love Rocks as part of a Founders' day event on January 11. Former GGDC intern (and now Social Media Manager) Ca'Ron Williams spoke to attendees about the vital work of Sasha Bruce Youthwork to end youth homelessness.
Camo Claus and Lil' Claus gave out knit hats, gloves and wool socks to those without around Anacostia Station on the brisk Saturday before Christmas to cap off another year of service to the community.
As part of our collaboration with the Historic Congressional Cemetery, Guerrilla Gardeners of Washington DC participated in this year's Wreaths Across America ceremony on Saturday, December 14, 2024, placing wreaths on the graves of veterans to honor their memory and sacrifice. 22 wreaths were sponsored on behalf of GGDC.
Capitol Hill Corner: Wreaths Across America at Congressional Cemetery
Camo Claus delivers gifts (9 total) to Capitol Hill OneLife to support the United States Marine Corps "Toys for Tots" program.
Volunteers came together to plant 5,000 tulips bulbs and paint Love Rocks at Sasha Bruce House on November 2, funded by grants from ANC6A and the Awesome Foundation.
Ben Fithian (#506) crosses the finish line to lead GGDC's team to a second consecutive win in the Congressional Cemetery Dead Man's Run 5k.
The project was simple: plant rose bushes in the tree boxes along Barracks Row. Building owners and businesses ponied up funding for rose bushes in exchange for a promise from Guerrilla Gardeners of Washington DC to plant and maintain them for the duration of 2022. Planting began in November and then this happened...
Interaction with the young people of the Sasha Bruce drop-in center turned out to be a transformative event for Guerrilla Gardeners of Washington DC, presenting new ways to serve the community.
The collaboration between Sasha Bruce Youthwork and Guerrilla Gardeners of Washington DC established a vocational training program in landscaping and urban agriculture and rallied community members to join in and get their hands dirty.
In June 2023, we launched the Guerrilla Juniors youth volunteer initiative funded by a grant from the Capitol Hill Community Foundation.
Payne Elementary students planted pollinators germinated in their classroom at the Congressional Cemetery.
Tyler Elementary students cleaned up their courtyard.
These volunteers initiated their own beautification project.
Finally filling the pothole in the parking area off 8th Street under the Southeast Freeway.
This giant pothole wreaked havoc on cars for more than 15 years until we teamed up with Barracks Row Main Street Executive Director and ANC Commissioner Brian Ready.
One mile of
people-powered beautification
Supporting our birds, bees and butterflies
Where our mission began
A tribute to a guerrilla gardening pioneer
Updating an historic parcel
Reclaiming public space for our community
Tulips at Peak Season
Thousand of Daffodils
We want make our community a better place for all of us.
We were 'guerrilla gardening' before we knew it had a name.
Come get your hands dirty, we're always looking for recruits!
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Your contributions are 100% tax deductible!